Poem - The language of humanity


This is a short poem by me on the current situations which are erupting at regular intervals across borders. All of it makes me think if the absence of peace is a result of us disposing off the language of love and compassion or is it vice versa? 

Have tried to put down my thoughts in this mini poem, its not perfect but I promise it will make you think for sure. 

I used to speak the language of equality which opened many doors,
No I don't speak that language any more...

I used to speak the language of a soldier against a war,
No I don't speak that language any more...

I used to speak the language of the dreams and the candy store,
No I don't speak that language any more...

I used to speak the language of peace next door,
No I don't speak that language any more...

All I speak these days is of the disappointingly low levels of humanity,
All I speak now is of rising levels of insanity,

Gone are the days of my language of love,
Gone are the days of care, affection and awe,
Strangled with the chains of madness & galore,
No I don't speak the language of humanity any more...

Language of peace and humanity say no to wars poem

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